NLRB Election Update

Email to Staff
Date: 8/6/24
Subject: NLRB Election Update


Weeks ago, when we first learned that some of our staff were considering unionization, I reaffirmed my commitment to each of you: continuous improvement for Penn Libraries focused on empowering your success and supporting your well-being.

I believe that I’ve lived up to—and will continue to live up to— this commitment. I hope that the information we have recently shared with you about improvements we’ve made in communications, process transparency, and salary increases demonstrates that my priority is you. The conversations I have with our staff about what matters to you, how we can improve, and your ideas for the future of our library, are the most important component of my job.

You have an opportunity this week to influence the culture of Penn Libraries for years to come. It is up to you if you will choose to trust what you’ve seen in our ability to work together to identify issues and find solutions, creating a culture of collegiality and respect—or place your confidence outside our organization and let others be your voice.

I know you are taking seriously the decision on whether or not to unionize, and I appreciate your passion and respect your voices for speaking out about what you believe in. As you know, collective bargaining typically focuses on wages, benefits, and terms and conditions of employment, the issues on which we have made so much progress this year. Some of the other concerns staff have voiced lately are ideological ones, and I want to remind you that collective bargaining does not impact decisions related to the University’s or Libraries’ governance or operational policy.

I ask for your trust as I fully embrace my role as the official Vice Provost and Director. I will lead the Penn Libraries with the needs and voices of all staff at the forefront of my decisions. My job is to be your representative, and I am your most vocal and visible advocate. I hope you will give me a chance to continue transforming the Penn Libraries into a healthier and more effective organization.

Please review the information at and make time to vote either August 7 or August 8, or when you receive your mail ballot.

And, if you have any doubts about a union, consider voting no.


Brigitte Weinsteiger
H. Carton Rogers III Vice Provost and Director of Libraries
University of Pennsylvania